Monday, August 08, 2005

wow. im so honoured sarah wants me to do this. so i shall do it to amuse her and myself.

three names you go by
1) tong
2) bobby/bobette
3) lynn
(there're a whole load. but i decided not to include wei lynn.. i realised hardly anyone calls me that anymore -_-)

three screen names you have had:
1) (insert a whole line of expletives.. again)
2) .
3) the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God stands forever

three physical things you like about yourself:
1) mmmm...
2) ermmm...
3) ehhhh.. this is quite sad but i've come to the realisation.. nothing. maybe the fact that my tongue can touch my nose

three physical things you dont like about yourself:
prob everything, but let's not dwell on that :)

three parts of your heritage:
my very.. asian look.. complete with slits for eyes
2) my height.. or lack there of
3) my wahlaos.. and shit/crap lahs

three things that scare you:
1) that i am incapable of living out my dreams and spend the rest of my life being a dreamer and nothing more
2) terrorist attacks.. sadly
3) the thought of my grandmother not being here anymore..

three of your everyday essentials:
1) God, i realise that now.. and actually.. i cant really think of anything else..

three things you are wearing right now:
1) specs
2) tshirt which says love changi. hurhur.
3) vj shorts

three of your favourite bands/musical artists:
1) jars of clay
2) lonestar
3) lifehouse
4) i have to add a fourth! bon jovi

three of your favourite songs:
1) when love and hate collide
2) breathing
3) born to be my baby. acoustic version.

three things you want in a relationship:
1) a guy who has faith in the Lord
2) honesty, sincerity, trust ---- security
3) a very unique connection which will never fade. is that called love. i dont know. what the hell is that.
4) understanding.. because i need my space/independance.. and i hope he does too.
i dont see it happening at all

two truths and a lie (in no particular order):
1) i want to be a waitress one day
2) i love to bite my nails and they look like shit
3) i feel that world peace is achievable

three physical things about the preferred sex that appeal to you:
a different look
2) i dont know whether this is physical.. but i cannot take a guy who gives too much of a shit about his vain outward appearance. i like it clean, casual and yet.. unique
3) built. with a look of indifference. different from (1)
if a girl tells you she doesnt go for looks at all. it's bullshit. people will always go for looks.. initially. notice this question says 'appeal'. these things will stand out at first, but maybe what matters later is a different story

three of your favourite hobbies:
anything to do with the outdoors although im not sure if it's a hobby.. coz i dont get to do it on a normal basis.. but definitely my biggest interest in life
2) like sarah.. talking with close friends about nothing in particular
3) cant think of anything else. give me a montain and tent and i'll be happy. im boring

three thing you want to do badly now:
1) to be a triathlete. i want to test the boundaries, but im physically shit now
2) not give a shit about society and go backpacking around the world and just live out my dreams
3) sometimes.. turn back time

three careers you're considering/you've considered:
1) joining the navy
2) organising huge international camps for youth
3) backpacking around the world with stays at different places with fulfiling jobs.. then continuing my journey
4) working in a safari
5) being a like.. trail guide or something.. bring people around the outdoors and also guiding them through stuff like abseiling.. kayaking.. whatever it is
6) owning a cosy cafe.. not in singapore

three places u want to go on vacation:
1) newcastle/southampton, england
2) interlaken, switzerland
3) i dont know where else.. cos i hate being a 'tourist'. if im there wanna be there for a reason.

three things you want to do before you die:
1) backpack
2) mission work.. back to the same place..
3) just really.. give it all up to the Lord. i want to know the feeling of being burdenless.. i just dont know if it's possible
"I went into the woods because I wanted to live deliberately. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life... to put to rout all that was not life; and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived."

three kids names that you like
1) xander - i love that name
2) the rest im not sure.. it must mean something.. and be special.. we'll see :)

three ways that you are stereotypically a guy:
1) i usually take 5 mins or less to bathe
2) the only things i wear are sch uniform and shorts/tshirt
3) i take a few seconds to get ready
4) i feel awkward even saying that im a girl. i dont think it could get worse than that.
...i think im even a disgrace to a lot of guys in this way. this could be an endless list. please, save me from guy-dom

three ways that you are stereotypically a girl:
1) i love to watch oprah
2) i actually have a very soft heart and quite a few emotions somewhere inside
3) i go to the toilet in a pair/group. no i dont understand why girls do that either.

three male (changed from female) celeb crushes:
1) johnny depp
2) ethan hawke
3) brendan fraser/joaquin phoenix/hugh jackman

three people that i would like to take the quiz now:
no one in particular. but anyone who can be completely honest.

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