Wednesday, July 13, 2005

i think of these 2 years.. it's been the worst now. and i dont understand why. it really feels like there's no way it can turn around this time. and to hear somemore talk of it.. brings me back to mg days. i think i just have to come to the realisation that the world.. people.. everything will always be the same no matter where i go.

ok. i wanna talk about the G8. i never really got a chance to air my views during gp today and i feel.. quite.. damn strongly about somethings. firstly. im sick and tired of american bashing. american bashing has somehow become the thing to participate in and everyone is just so damn into going against the world's superpower. sometimes i just feel like people dont see the whole picture. i am NOT pro american. but im just sick of how anti american everything is becoming. people condemn the war.. but did u have some damn terrorists come to ur country and blast a few thousand of people to pieces. are YOU faced with the dilemma of having to appease the american people who are divided even within themselves and having to account to the rest of the world for your actions. being a superpower of the world isnt as easy as it seems. contrary to popular belief, america does not just sit on its throne and take control of everyone else. people bash america coz it just seems so well.. like the thing to do. who wouldnt wanna put down this power which has such huge influence everywhere. it's just human nature. i think some of it does stem from jealousy. u may think im bullshitting. but it's true. if u dig deep inside there u'll prob finally find some honest opinons. btw while im on the topic of war.. i just saw the news yesterday that they found the body of the last missing navy seal. sigh. yea. war stinks. BUT if u're just gonna hold some stupid placard and march around the white house demanding for world peace. let me tell u u're a damn brainless fool coz that it's never going to happen. as much as we want world peace. imagine if all the countries were really at peace with each other. bush and osama in an embrace. what a damn sick fantasy. i mean yea who wouldnt want peace, but it will never happen i am so damn sure of that. the balance will never be.. it's just weird. it's like.. ok world peace now.. what's next?!?! the miss universe competition will be extinct. people will always have a bone to pick with one another. some things cannot be prevented. im not FOR war, im just saying that it's inevitable, like the one going on now. i do not support the blowing to pieces of innocent civilians, but again, i think it's inevitable. if america just sat back and did nothing except build up their security and prepare for another terrorist attack. how damn stupid that would be. these peace loving idiots should really grow another brain. LOOK at what is happening in London now. these idiots think they're invincible and yet there u are campaigning for peace?!?! give it a break man seriously. the hippy period is over. headbands and peace signs are so out now.

ok shit how did i start on the topic of war. going back to the G8. those 8 countries would be criticised if they sat back and did nothing yet when they actually take some initiative and come forward to form the G8, people criticise them for assuming that they are the leaders of this world just because they are rich and influential... HELLO PEOPLE.. they didnt become rich and influential by having a shitty government, by slacking around, by waiting for other countries to pull them out of trouble. i just get so damn pissed off when no one sees the big picture! sure they are NOT perfect. But at least they stepped forward to try to do something for this world while the rest of us sit back and either not give a shit... or have discussions in which we give a shit but at the end of the day do nothing (yes, a slight irony here as to what i am doing now. but who knows what could happen in the future. im not content to be typing on this blog forever) all the attack is unfair. people just love to target superpowers. just like how people love to bitch about the jocks and secretly wish that they were the jocks. but this is just on a higher level. school dynamics are so interesting. i think everything which goes on in the world is just a bigger scale of that. well, in a way. i think the G8 has the right intentions definitely, but can u imagine the immense problems they would have to solve the problems together? i for one cannot imagine the japanese leader speaking to the french one with great vigour on his beliefs on how the world should be changed and both of them laughing heartily or having an intense conversation and eventually coming to a decision. they have the right intentions, but sometimes, their way of implementation may just be wrong. like shafy was saying today. they are criticised for moving on so quickly from one topic to another (environment to poverty) so what are they supposed to do. spend 100 years discussing bout the environment until anyone who gets caught even holding a can of aerosol hairspray containing CFCs is whipped and hanged.. IN AMERICA?!?! yes.. not singapore.. AMERICA.. the land where sex offenders, rapists, and even murderers are free to roam the country after a few joyful years in prison. so how DID africa become so poor?! well. im not exactly sure. huh. but one thing im damn sure is they cannot blame it entirely on the west, if indeed the west did cause some of their demise (which im really not sure about). one is responsible for one's well being. and the same goes for countries. africa has to clam some responsibility for their own state today. yet here are 8 of the richest countries in the world offering to rid them of their debt of 40 billion bucks. i dont think the governments could have much to complain about. the damn corrupted governments. i checked out a few articles online yesterday and a lot of the real africans.. the normal people who plough away and survive on less than 1 us dollar a day.. do not even feel that debt cancellation is the main issue. in fact they are concerned that this is just gonna make the corrupt leaders stronger and turn the other africans into beggars. instead, they want the G8 to focus on helping rid the gov of corruption, infrastructure, education.. etc. these are the real people of africa speaking. the G8 cant go on cancelling debts forever, it's like to saying to the leaders that they have the space to carry on their corruption and hey! we'll just keep on filling ur empty pockets with more money. soon we will all be poor and africa will be THE superpower. slight exaggeration, but yea. yes this 40 billion bucks is a start coz i know that this means like 7000 more teachers for zambia and more hospitals and roads for tanzania. but money can only do so much. the next step is to actually get to the root of the problem.. the corruption. unfortunately i dont really know a shit about politics and stuff.. so i have no idea what the G8 can do. but i guess they could make sure that the aid they provide goes to the right places. personally i feel there is only so much the G8 can do. whatever step they take, it will be criticised. everything has its pros and cons. africa cannot rely on the help of foreign countries forever, it needs to make changes internally and take some responsibility for its own plight. the G8 has got the ball rolling.. and sometime in the future they will have to take control of their own situation, hopefully as the G8 continues on aiding the Africans on the matters which they are really concerned with. like the situation with world peace, economically and well.. in terms of development it's impossible for every country in the world to be on par with each other. at the end of the day, there 's just a limit to how much one can receive help and what happens next is up to the country herself. i read somewhere that in ethiopia the military killed/raped/tortured the civilians who rebelled against the situation of corruption and yet the gov obviously could not care less. i think poverty is only one side of the problem.. the stability and security within the country itself.. amongst the africans.. is def a thing to be dealt with too. sigh. like biying said today. kenya is doing fine and they dont really need aid. if that really is the case. then why is kenya able to do fine and the others are not?!?! c'mon man. u need to take responsibility for ur ownself.

ok i feel like deleting this shit now but i wont. i think i sound like a mindless self righteous idiot, but these are just some of my opinions and since i clam up during gp i shall just lay it out here. i feel my words are always inaccurate representations of my thoughts.. but what the heck.
ahhhhhhhhhhhh... damn!

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