Thursday, September 08, 2005

i think good tunes.. melodies.. are easy to write.. well not easy.. but easier. but lyrics. lyrics are incredible. and it's really rare to find good ones.. i think that's what really differentiates a good songwriter from a bad one

had a dream yesterday.. we were able to abseil from the roof of vj.. which when i was looking down i saw that we were on top of a mountain. and i cant remember who i was with.. but we tried to go down.. and i forgot how to tie an abseiling knot. something i made up in my dreams. so sean and zhiyang came to help us. and zhiyang looked extremely skinny for some reason. and for another weird reason he was wearing his dunman high pants. hmmm. so anyway we got down safely.. and then i saw suan. he was wearing this horribly weird like.. cotton checkered kinda top.. u know that kind which like.. very extremely snaggish guys wear. and he looked so.. proper. when i woke up i realise he reminded me of toh. hmmm. and i took 1/2 h to find the odac room coz i forgot where it was and i had to walk through many movie theatres to find it. and all to deposit a pillow in which i was carrying the entire time. no.. dunno how.

is it really true that God has a plan for u.. like.. if it's according to his will.. things will happen.. it's so difficult to believe that God would know i would be doing.. what i would be today.. but in a way it kinda gives me comfort.. as though.. things didnt happen by my own will.. but they did. i dont know how to explain this. it's amazing that in times of ______ people can pop up from really no where and all out of the blue. i know what i want.. and that disappoints me tremendously considering the situation now. but.. i hope that i will.. believe that if it's God's will for me to do whatever i will. i think i have grown quite a bit during these 2 years in jc. no im not blowing my own stupid horn. i mean in the ways of.. taking to people more. coz.. there are a lot of good people out there.. i mean yea im still damn cynical if i dont know u. but those i know and like.. i really like. so thanks man. thanks cat (:

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