Monday, September 05, 2005

i may have changed my mind. thanks to someone this afternoon...
it's so weird how things work out.. how u meet people who really.. are just complete strangers and there is really no way that ur paths in life will cross.. and how these people.. just weave themselves into everything.. the whole picture.. it is truely amazing.. is it God.. hmmm..

sometimes i wonder why i do blog.. well not really but i do when at times like this i feel like.. why am i putting out my thoughts here.. coz in a way.. it's kinda like.. why u revealing ur life to so many other people man.. but.. i just need some place to.. like.. VENT!!! OMG!!!!! HAZEL JUST CALLED. and i think i had a very ferocious conversation i am so tired now and im leaving. haha ahh this world is so weird. i feel like shit! but yet. ok! like ok shit! actually NOT OK!!! NO NOT OK AT ALL!!

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