Sunday, September 11, 2005

i really appreciate the people in my life.. as close or far as they are from me.

i went to suki sakura.. stupid name to eat today at some lorong place and after i got into the lift i got a msg from kelvin. it took me a few seconds to register who kelvin was. i dont think he will read this but anyway yea. odac kelvin. and he said he just saw me. apparently he walked past me i think with his family and i didnt see him. haha. such a stupid small funny incident like that actually brightened up my day. no the emphasis is not how bad my day was but how really i just appreciate everybody around me.

i would like to thank these 2 people greatly.. i just wnat to write my thoughts down and this is not some public announcement system.. so people if u read u know who u are - faye and nut. hahaa damn obvious huh. but yea.. u guys are just awesome people... AWESOME!!! i better us ethat word now coz i wont get to use it coz i wont get to go to the US. hahaa but yea really..

what faye says is v true.. i am currently on a lot of high and lows and a lot of people are too although everything we go through is different according to nut. hahahaa. i think God reveals himself in times of crisis. faye.. u're right.. we will go on to greater things. this is just an obstacle.. and even if things dont work out as planned.. we're still young and there's so many things that we have the potential to accomplish.

i am still very panicky now. but i acknowledge this is not the end of the world. o yea i would like to thank my constant mysterious emailer.. haha u have.. lifted my spirts. nike all the way yea.

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