Monday, December 04, 2006

today when i was in econ class (this is the first and last one ever. it's kinda interesting.. but i think for me boring to a much greater extent) and the professor said something which made me quite annoyed.. he said dont study fluff in university and take easy classes like social engineering classes, take the hard, tough stuff like science engineering which actually train you. the fluff u can do some other time throughout life. sigh. i think that's not true at all. i know a lot of people studying science.. esp now in university level think that arts people have it easy, and they are the ones studying solid stuff. so that u can get a good decent job next time even if no one really voices it. but.. it really is complete rubbish. arts too enriches you and make you think in ways science cant. they both have their pros and cons and it's really up to one's preference

in america they have this thing called ROTC which is essentially these guys.. or girls who want to join the military and they join this program in universities across america.. instead of going to a military college they get a degree here but train on the side as a cadet to become an officer. im taking this history class on war, military societies and institutions before 1815 and there are many ROTC people in my class.. you kinda recognise them coz sometimes they wear uniforms.. or carry a bag that says army.. or have that typical american army haircut.. crewcut? i think. but the thing which i dont know sometimes makes me kinda sad is to see him walking around carrying their army bags, sporting a crewcut, obvious signs of their involvment in the military and even deployable to iraq anytime, and yet they're wearing typical college get-up.. jeans.. tshirt.. jacket.. whatever.. and they look so young.. and cleancut.. and just so youthful.. and kinda innocent. and it makes me sad to think that there are so many like that in iraq.. and to think of the direction they're heading and all that possibly lies ahead. sometimes it makes me wonder why the heck they'd want to get involved in this.. at a time where support for the war is declining so much. i dont know what their reasons are, or what they see, and it's quite ironic for me to think this way.. but situations are inconparable. sigh. i dont know. just find it slightly.. sad.

last thing. i used to be one of those people who typically said crap about the singapore education system, how it's so one-dimensional, doesnt create thinking students, only know how to mug and memorise... mug and memorise, it seems to be a system that generates only 'workers', not thinkers, not entrepreneurs and honestly to quite a large extent i think that is still very true. HOWEVER. that cannot be a generalisation. there have been many successful singaporeans who have kinda broken out of that mould and created.. whatever it is. and i believe as in other parts of the world.. there are many. many intelligent singaporeans and i dont mean just by paper or whatever, but the.. stimulation of the mind.. and heart.. however u explain that. what annoys me (yes i get annoyed quite a bit. sigh.) is when people insult the singaporean education... esp if you're overseas studying. it's kinda like biting the hand that feeds you. if not for the rigorous shit that the tough education drilled into us.. we wont really be where we were today academically. and what you want ot take out of school besides studies is up to you, you really can take a lot more even though singapore seems so... limited. sure there are limitations coz the system is so strict.. but so what. it just provides more challenge to you to do so. i think it offers its own benefits too definitely. the point is.. o man i think im starting to sound so damn pro government whatever crap. but i mean that's just what i think. just dont insult outright without thinking twice.

hmmm..i think that last paragraph.. kinda shows how much my attitude towards singapore has changed.. i would like to think of it as hopefully.. maturity.. instead of brainwash. coz no one brainwashes me. or i will.. take care of u. grr. coming here.. has been interesting.. challenging.. enriching. but it has also made me realise how great home is. singapore will always be home. i dont understand why people would want to migrate and become a second class citizen. i hope i wont be eating my words when i come back eventually (:

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