Wednesday, November 08, 2006

i realise i wanna blog when i have something... i want to remember.. a point to make..

anyways today is election day here in the US.. and it's kinda cool coz this time. i actually really know what's going on coz of studying US politics and gov in political science... i've been in classes with a professors really passionate about the US government.. and a class with a vietnam war veteran as a professor.. where he kinda presents the other, more radical view.. albeit in a more quiet, subtle nature.. and to see some american students.. esp in my vietwar class.. have solid stands and views on democrats/republicans/war or whatever it is.. somehow.. that's something i appreciate here.. there's even a voting room downstairs cant believe it..

at least for hte first time in my life i'll be really interested to see how this election plays out.

hmmm.. in other minor news.. i am going to change my major to international studies with a political science minor. haa. i just want a broader scope. learn new language. study abroad. and at the end of the day - pol sci is a lot of work.. well not so much taht it's completely unmanageable of course it is! but im just a big idiotic slacker. it really interests me though.. but id ont wanna go into politics.. like please.. im so bullyable ill just get kicked around. so. minor is great :D it's just a little less than the major.. like 2 classes less.. and i can still do stuff like international security.. crisis diplomacy.. etc.. and i just signed up for a class next sem which is gonna be taught by gandhi's grandson on comparative politics in developing nations :D am actually 1% excited about class. how rare is that.

am going through a damn hellish period of work now.. until this friday it is gonna be crazy. i might not survive. but i will. then after that it's still gonna be crazy but slightly less. sigh. ok. come on. i am made of tougher stuff.

i was having a shit day that day.. and opened my mailbox and there was mail.. from singapore... (: it was something that didnt seem like much in 'reality' so to speak.. but to me it was huge. hahaa that sentence comes out so wrong but WHO GIVES A CRAP. i can use whatever crap english i want. made my day. thanks bao en :D

counting my blessings. i am so damn lucky to be here. so l ucky to experience study hell here. i realise that i've turned into what i hate most (out of many other things) - a big fat whiner. stop it. it'll change.

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