Saturday, July 22, 2006

Dear Child,

I love you. You are very special to me. I know that you are getting weary of your ______ and have been struggling for a long time now, but I am still with you. It is not fair that you experience this pain, while you do good in this world, and your sisters seem to have no problems at all.

However, you are not the problem child. You are a loved child, loved by me, your family, and the many others who have connected with you. In this life, there will be many struggles. They will be unfair, but I have not put these burdens upon you. I have allowed Satan to put this burden upon you, so that you may become strengthened and draw closer to me.

Later in life, after you have ________, I may use you to help others who are struggling as you once were, to give them encouragement and make a difference in their lives.I am so proud of you for fighting this, and I want you to know that as you continue to fight, I am listening to your prayers and hear you always. It is not that I have forgotten about you, or have not heard, it is that I have far greater plans than you could ever imagine, and _____________________ is not part of my great plan for you.

My only son came to this world so that you may have life, and that you may have it more abundantly. This is my plan for you.What I need you to do is stop turning to the world for answers, stop looking inside of yourself and putting yourself down, instead turn to me and I will forever protect you. Stop holding onto a single thread. Let go of that thread, and turn to me, a rope that will strengthen you and lift you up.I love you my child, do not lose faith. You are special to me. You are loved by me. You can overcome this, I know you can.


life for the past month has been pretty much _____ . hahaa. makes me damn ___________ i thought things would be like __________ after all these months.. but nope. i guess when u're taken out of an environment of comfort and with ur own false assurance that u've changed... u realise that u havent. not one bit. and that was merely manifestation of sorts of the orginal shit but in a different way.

speaking very matter-of-factly. there're so many things that i hate about myself. especially now. i feel like im having some out of body experience and i really dislike wei lynn. like seriously. it limits me in so many things i can be doing.. and definitely affects my relationships with others. im way surprised i still have friends. sorry man.

so yea. after giving myself a few imaginary slaps. it's time to snap out of this and EMBRACE life. and turn over a new leaf. hurray.

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