Monday, January 02, 2006

ok. i actually had a lot of things to say and wanted to type some super long thing.. but i have no time at all.. still gotta pack and finish my stupid apps. and dont even have any time really to _____________________________. fill in the blanks coz i dont even know what they are. i cant even think now. my brains are fried and have sublimed or something. argh i dont care!

anyways one thing i wanted to say is.. the thing now. im most well.. which is bothering me the most. is the definite gender discrimination. my brother said it definitely exists, and guys see the girls as just being quite loserish. in a way i get where he's coming from coz i can be quite sexist sometimes. against my own sex. yes im a bit of an idiot. but im more of a reel life sexist, not a real life sexist. but i am NOT. for example, when there are shows on tv like some stupid reality things i always always support the guy and when the girl wins i get very grrrrr.. coz after they're all like we are female! we must unite against the men! and in my mind, im thinking, please, know ur place.

i know i am such an idiot! o my goodness. but that's because that is just damn idiotic. i wrote a gp essay once on eh.. feminism o yea are women their greatest enemy to achieving equality or something like that. i think it was for promos. and in this case yea. i think it's just all the females unite and girl power thing that pisses me off. but then again guys can be damn arrogant shits too. i dont care if im offending anyone coz IT'S all true, with an equal amount of insults thrown at both sides. so anyway i dont want to be treated like a fool and seen like a joke when im like dying or something but my bro said just get used to it, so ok i will suck it up.

it does piss me off a lot though when guys say girls cannot do this that blah. and shit coz they think they're so united in their testosterone and machoness. but then again girls also say shit like that about guys who are perceived to be much less sensitive and intelligent creatures. i shall not make any personal comments on that.

but i definitely prefer girl friends to guy friends. girl friends are just.. the best really. NOT girlfriends. girl SPACE friends. guys can be friendswith girls. but there's always just something there would prevents them from being close. it's just the gender thing. it's hard to get close coz there's always that bridge. and once u cross it.. there will be trouble. anyway i so digress.

(in ref to the top) SUCH IDIOTS. but i understand. but i dont. and it's still idiotic any way, just like i was. and im pissed argh.

but everyone i know like friends and all i love u i love u i love u!!!!!! well most.. but still FORGIVE ME FOR MY OUTBURST!!!!!!!

you know what. im just gonna go about my own business and do what i have to do. and if i look like a damn idiot or seem like one. that's fine with me. coz i know im more than that. and whatever u think.. UP YOURS man seriously. grrrr.

anyways i promised dee and meixi something.. to take pictures of my hair after i chopchopCHOPED it off a few days ago. so there... whoa my pictures are taking damn long to upload my head must be damn big. full of air man. o my goodness they are still not ready! let me clarify something. i have not become one of those people who aim their cameras at themselves and take shots of their faces at every angle and when they get the perfect shots put them up. no offence to anyone. great for u if that's what u like to do. but it's not what i like to do and i think i better keep the rest of my opinions to myself. this is for dee and meixi and for memory's sake coz i am going to look even shittier.. hahahaaa.. hurray.

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o man i seem to have become such a vain shit. but i am not! i just have a terrible OCD, and i must do all angles. just like if i tap on something with my right hand i must do the same number of times with my left and with the same amount of strength or i will always use my fingers to join sticking out polka dot thingies for example those things on like bus faces or walls or whatever and if i miss something i will piss myself off and i must do it again twice in the next round. and shit like that. so yes! ahhhhhhhhhh

sigh. enjoy the rest of the hols man everyone (: take care!

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