Monday, July 02, 2007


suddenly i just feel like punching someone.
bang bang bang.

im not terribly musically inclined.
but man. paul McCartney's "this never happened before"
i remember i first heard it during that film.. lakehouse
when reeves and bullock were dancing
and it's one of those songs which really arent that great..
and rather annoying at first
but then. it sticks in ur mind.
and now it's like. mind blowing.
and im talking like some bimbotic piece of crap.
but i dont care.
coz i just want to type.
type type type.
if i dont type i might punch someone.
so the former is definitely better.


im tired.

it's been a very very interesting 5 weeks.
but im not going to really talk about it.
coz i dont like to talk about it.
there're so damn many grey areas
and when one is passionate about something..
those feelings are damn unexpressible. inexpressible?
is there every such a word?
gah i dont care.
im just tired.

this never happened before!!!!

and i might not be the most assertive person on earth...
but dont mess with me.
im not stupid.
if the situation calls for some eyeball digging..

dont look back in anger!!!!!! i heard you say

get on with it WL....
*trip over snail
and stab self with bayonet.
and while we're on this topic... how the HELL do you lose a freaking bayonet?
MAN. i dont get it.

yes im gonna start a revolution from my bed!!!!!!!

here's to a blardy good week ahead.
let's all drink to that.
chocolate milk man.
freaking milkmaid choc milk.

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